Module freya::prelude::dioxus_elements::events

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  • The click event fires when the user starts and ends a click in an element with the left button of the mouse.
  • The filedrop event fires when the user drops a file over the element.
  • The globalclick event fires when the user clicks anywhere. Note that this fires for all mouse buttons. You can check the specific variant with the MouseData’s trigger_button property.
  • The onglobalfilehover event fires when the user hovers a file over the window.
  • The onglobalfilehovercancelled event fires when the user cancels the hovering of a file over the window. It’s the opposite of onglobalfilehover.
  • The globalmousedown event fires when the user starts clicking anywhere. Note that this fires for all mouse buttons. You can check the specific variant with the MouseData’s trigger_button property.
  • The globalmouseover event fires when the user moves the mouse anywhere in the app.
  • The globalpointerup event fires when the user releases the point anywhere in the app.
  • The keydown event fires when the user starts pressing any key.
  • The keyup event fires when the user releases any key being pressed.
  • The click event fires when the user clicks an element with the middle button of the mouse.
  • The mousedown event fires when the user starts clicking an element. Note that this fires for all mouse buttons. You can check the specific variant with the MouseData’s trigger_button property.
  • The mouseenter event fires when the user starts hovering an element.
  • The mouseleave event fires when the user stops hovering an element.
  • The mouseover event fires when the user moves the mouse over an element. Unlike onmouseover, this fires even if the user was already hovering over the element. For that reason, it’s less efficient.
  • The mouseup event fires when the user ends the click in an element with the left button of the mouse.
  • The pointerdown event fires when the user clicks/starts touching an element.
  • The pointerenter event fires when the user starts hovering/touching an element.
  • The pointerleave event fires when the user stops hovering/touching an element.
  • The pointerover event fires when the user hovers/touches over an element. Unlike onpointerenter, this fires even if the user was already hovering over the element. For that reason, it’s less efficient.
  • The pointerup event fires when the user releases their mouse button or stops touching the element.
  • The click event fires when the user clicks an element with the right button of the mouse.
  • The touchcancel event fires when the user cancels the touching, this is usually caused by the hardware or the OS. Also see ontouchend.
  • The touchend event fires when the user stops touching an element.
  • The touchmove event fires when the user is touching over an element.
  • The touchstart event fires when the user starts touching an element.
  • The wheel event fires when the user scrolls the mouse wheel while hovering over the element.